Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Personal Narrative Basketball - 881 Words

Have you ever been forced to do something that you really don’t want to do? It could seem like agony at first, but in the end it will usually always turn out OK. Well, at least it did for me. It all started on a chilly, winter morning in third grade when my mother’s heartfelt words and tears, changed who I am today for the better. â€Å"Mom, please stop asking me! I don’t want to play that dumb sport!† I blared at her frustratingly while I was trying to get ready for school. As soon as those words came out of my mouth, I immediately regretted them. Slowly, I walked down the stairs and watched wistfully as tears started to fill my mother s eyes, and then one by one, slowly drip down her face. I knew that this topic was important to her, but†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Oh yeah, of course,† I muttered. â€Å"Sorry, I was just thinking.† â€Å"Thinking about what?† she inquired. â€Å"Nothing really, just life.† I lied casually. â€Å"You sure? You know you can talk to me about anything,† Kris addressed. â€Å"Of course I know that.† I said winking at her. We were walking out of school together, when I suddenly stopped, and just looked around. It was as if I wasn’t in control of my body. I turned around, and robotically walked back into the school. â€Å"Kylie! What are you doing?† Kris screamed at me, but I could barely hear her. â€Å"Hey! We are going to miss our bus!† she sounded like she was miles away. I still continued on, walking through the door, then walking down the hallway toward the gym. I opened up the gym door, and I saw Mr. Haggins, our gym teacher, turn and look at me. I started to sputter random words out. â€Å"I†¦†¦..tryouts†¦.dribble†¦.mom†¦..shoot†¦.yells†¦..mad†¦..try it†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I sputtered on like this for about a minute before he interrupted me. â€Å"So, what I’m able to make out from all of that, is that your mom is mad at you because you don’t want to try basketball, now you feel bad and want to try out for the team?† he said with a smirk. â€Å"How did you know that?† I was blown away that he got the exact story when all I said were words that didn’t make any sense. Well, at least they didn’t to me, but he was obviously able to make sense out of them. â€Å"Trust me,† he started off, â€Å"I know a lot more than you thinkShow MoreRelatedPersonal Narrative : Friends And Basketball1745 Words   |  7 PagesFriends Basketball Coming into a new town is nothing new to me. If you move around as much as I do, then you never really get to know anyone on a deeper level than knowing of them. I move on average of 4-5 times a year. 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